October to many has now become Stoptober also joined by Sober October.
A charity initiative to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support, which encourages people to drop alcohol or smoking for 31 days. There are now 2.5 million people in the UK living with cancer. By 2030, it will be 4 million people. A very sad statistic. One in three people will get cancer and no doubt will be one of the toughest things anyone will go through. MacMillan’s goal is to make sure no one faces cancer alone. They provide medical, emotional, practical and financial support, as well as their constant campaigning for better cancer care.
How many of us take part in this tenth month sabbatical. If you are participating which one have you forgone and will it be for the long run or just the month. Research shows that by stopping a habit for 28 days, you are 5 times more likely to stop for good. As well as raising money for this amazing charity you too will benefit from this lifestyle change. Win Win!
I gave up smoking over 15 years ago, one of the best things I ever did and to be honest I’m not big on the booze so where do I fit in Stoptober? I thought about giving up chocolate and maybe even coffee – decisions decisions – before I knew it I was a week into October and sadly I hadn’t committed. Instead of kicking myself I reached for my purse and made an online donation.
If like me you left Stoptober too late and wanted to do your bit follow this link and donate what you can.